CNY Arts, Inc.


National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum Presents Black History Month Matters


The National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum presents its fourth February series for Black History Matters.

Each day at 12:01 a.m. the daily presentation will be posted at, and will remain available for free.

Feb. 1 Diverse Africa: African Origins and the Beginning of the Slave Trade
Feb. 2 Transatlantic Slave Trade: Tracing the Trade Across the Atlantic
Feb. 3 A New Beginning: Early African Communities in the United States
Feb. 4 From Africa to the Caribbean: Exploring African Influences in Cuba & Haiti
Feb. 5 Samba and Beyond: Exploring African Influence in Brazil
Feb. 6 Reshaping the “Old World”: Africans in the European Metropoles
Feb. 7 Middleground: Africa and the Middle East
Feb. 8 Africa Down Under: Black Communities in Australia
Feb. 9 Breaking Apartheid: A Journey through South Africa's Divided Past
Feb. 10 Winds of Change: The Era of African Independence Movements
Feb. 11 A Cultural Awakening: The Harlem Renaissance
Feb. 12 “I Have a Dream”: The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.
Feb. 13 “All Power to the People”: The Impact of the Black Panthers in US History
Feb. 14 Spirituality and Rhythms: Exploring Reggae and Rastafarianism
Feb. 15 Power of the Pen: Celebrating Influential Books by Black Authors
Feb. 16 La Raza: Exploring Afro-Latinx Culture Through Music, Dance, and Literature
Feb. 17 Healing Legacies: Profiles of Black Medical Pioneers
Feb. 18 Brilliance Unveiled: Celebrating Black Scientists and Their Contributions
Feb. 19 Beyond the Field: Exploring the Impact of Black Athletes
Feb. 20 Spirits of Africa: African Spiritual Practices Abroad
Feb. 21 Hearing Africa: The Influence of African Languages on the Diaspora
Feb. 22 Votes for Women: Black Women in the American Suffrage Movement
Feb. 23 Hip-Hop Revolution: Exploring Early Recordings and Cultural Impact
Feb. 24 Afrobeat Rhythms: Uniting the World Through Music
Feb. 25 Breaking Barriers: The Impact of Black Innovators in the Tech Industry
Feb. 26 Eco-Warriors: Black Advocates Pioneering Environmental Justice
Feb. 27 Shaping the Narrative: Black Historians in US History
Feb. 28 Resilience and Resistance: Black LGBTQ+ Activism in Modern America
Feb. 29 Wrap Up and Feedback

For more information:

National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum,
PO Box 55, 5255 Pleasant Valley Road, Peterboro NY 13134,